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We hold property owners accountable for hazards.

Were you injured while on someone else’s property? If your injury was due to a property owner’s failure to maintain a safe environment, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries.

The laws regarding hazardous premises are dependent upon the kind of property – whether public or private – and whether or not the injured person was present on the property legally. There are a lot of other factors to consider in a premises liability case, which is why it is in your best interest to retain a qualified attorney from Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP.

Our premises liability lawyers in Los Angeles have the knowledge and skill to properly negotiate or litigate your case. Contact us to schedule your first consultation. 

Where Do Premises Liability Accidents Occur? 

Accidents that lead to premises liability cases can occur just about anywhere, on private or public property. Unless the injured person was trespassing, he or she likely will be able to pursue a lawsuit.

We find that premises liability injuries often occur in or on:

  • Swimming pools: Whether the pool is public or private, the owner is expected to ensure that the area minimizes the risk of drowning or slip-and-fall accidents
  • Escalators and elevators: These forms of machinery must be properly maintained to ensure safety – sudden stops, faulty wiring, brake failure, and slippery surfaces can all lead to injuries
  • Parks and playgrounds: Children are especially injury-prone, so private playgrounds and public parks must be kept in great condition
  • Concerts, festivals, and other events: Negligent security, fires, and otherwise dangerous premises (like slippery floors) at outdoor and indoor events can be grounds for a premises liability case.

Will my premises liability case go to trial or can it be settled out of court?

Premises liability cases often don’t go to trial and are instead settled outside of the courtroom. In these cases, after filing a claim with the property owner’s insurance company, negotiations begin with the help of a lawyer to reach a fair settlement.

How long do I have to pursue compensation for premises liability?

In California, individuals usually have a two-year window starting from the date of the injury to file a premises liability lawsuit. If they fail to submit a lawsuit within this timeframe, their case will likely be dismissed, and they will relinquish their right to seek compensation for their injuries.

Common Types of Premises Liability Injuries

Premises liability doesn’t refer to one specific type of injury; rather, it refers to a form of negligence that can result in a wide range of injuries. Common types of premises liability injuries include:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Head injuries
  • Drowning
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Sprains and strains
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries

These injuries can range from mild to severe and can result in significant medical bills, lost wages, and long-term physical and emotional suffering.


If you have suffered an injury due to someone’s hazardous property, time is of the essence. The sooner you call our premises liability attorneys in Los Angeles, the better your chances of achieving a favorable resolution. We look forward to hearing your story and helping you fight for justice.

We’re dedicated to every client and every case

“At the offices of Levin & Nalbandyan you get the help from very professional people like Harry Nalbandyan and his team. They work with you, they know what they are doing and they get things done.”

L. C.
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