Bakersfield Uber Accident Lawyer

Uber can be a convenient way to get around, but figuring out how to handle an accident that happened during an Uber trip can easily become complicated. Passengers may be unsure how to get compensation for their medical bills and other expenses after a crash. Working with our experienced Bakersfield Uber accident lawyer can help you determine where to pursue compensation and increase your chances of a good outcome. Our car collision attorneys are ready to help you navigate the legal system.

Who Is Legally Responsible for an Uber Accident?

As with most car accident cases, Uber accident claims will generally be based on negligence. For a driver to be negligent, they need to have had a duty to behave in a certain way, failed to uphold that duty, and caused the other person’s injuries by doing this. For example, drivers have a duty to follow the rules of the road, and state law does not allow drivers to have their cell phones in their hands. An Uber driver who picks up their phone to check the Uber app, looks away from the road, and hits another vehicle could be negligent. This means they, or their insurance company, would be responsible for any injuries the accident caused.

In some cases, when an employee is negligent while doing their job, their employer could actually be liable for any accidents they cause. However, since Uber drivers are currently considered independent contractors, this rule does not apply to them. If the driver causes an accident, they are usually personally liable. If another driver outside of the Uber vehicle caused the accident, that person would be responsible for any resulting injuries, and the rideshare situation would not affect a claim. Our attorneys in Bakersfield could help an injured Uber rider determine the cause of a crash.

Does Uber Have Any Liability for an Accident?

In most Uber accidents, a negligent driver is responsible for the collision, not Uber. However, car accident claims go through the negligent driver’s insurance company, and Uber does provide additional insurance for its drivers. The coverage limits on these policies are much higher than the requirements for personal driving. California drivers need $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident in injury liability coverage, as well as $15,000 for property damage. Medical expenses after a serious accident can easily exceed these limits.

If an Uber driver is either on a trip or on their way to pick up a passenger, they are covered for up to $1 million in injuries or property damage to passengers or third parties. If the driver is logged into the app and ready to accept trips, they are covered for injuries up to $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident and up to $25,000 in property damage. Drivers use their personal auto insurance coverage when they are not signed into the Uber app. For those involved in a Bakersfield Uber accident as a pedestrian or other driver, whether the Uber driver was on their way to pick up a passenger or waiting for their next assignment can make a substantial difference in the amount of insurance coverage available.

Discuss Your Case With a Bakersfield Uber Accident Attorney Today

Filing a claim correctly so you can get the compensation you need to move forward after an Uber accident can be difficult. Working with a Bakersfield Uber accident lawyer can help you navigate the process successfully. Talk to Levin & Nalbandyan Trial Lawyers today.

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