
Los Angeles Whistleblower Lawyer


If you have noticed illegal or improper activity in your workplace, then you may be wondering how to report it to the proper authorities. This action of revealing wrongdoing within your organization is known as “blowing the whistle.” To the government and to the authorities, a whistleblower is highly regarded—however, you may face illegal retaliatory actions in your workplace for doing so, such as wrongful termination or discrimination in other forms.

At Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP, our Los Angeles whistleblower attorneys are here to represent you when illegal activity has taken place in your workplace. An employment attorney is ready to help.


There are many forms of activity that can occur in a workplace that are illegal or improper. The first step is to determine the right agency or organization to report the activity that you have witnessed. For example, if you work for a hospital that has been committing healthcare fraud, this is something that is of great interest to the government. If you have been mistreated due to reporting or threatening to report illegal activity, we can help protect you.

A few examples of protected activity include:

  • Acting as a witness or participating in an investigation
  • Refusing to participate in illegal activity
  • Reporting fraud, workplace injury, or other impropriety
  • Threatening to report fraud, workplace injury, or other impropriety


If you are looking to report the poor behavior of an employer, contact the Labor Enforcement Task Force. Here is the contact information:

  • Hotline: 855 297 5322
  • Email: le**@di*.gov

Your next step will be to work with our whistleblower attorneys in Los Angeles to protect your rights. We want to fight on your behalf and help you get the results you need and deserve.

FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS & LIVELIHOOD With a Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorney

You and your family depend on your job to provide you with a wage that you can survive on. If you are suffering as a result of blowing the whistle on an illegal activity or you would like our help with legal protection, Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP is here to assist you. You should not be punished for blowing the whistle on any type of illegal or harmful activity in the workplace. Call a Los Angeles whistleblower lawyer today.

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