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Jury Verdict in Los Angeles County Superior Court for a $15/hr employee fired only because she was a pregnant Mexican woman who needed a handful of days off to give birth to her baby. Click here to learn more about this case.
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Hospital Employee Fired

$4,000,000 Arbitration win for a sales associate at a major retail chain for workplace sexual assault. Click here to learn more about this case.

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Bakersfield Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were recently involved in a traumatic accident, you know all too well how comprehensively a serious injury can interfere with both your personal and professional life. While there may not be any way to turn back the clock and prevent your accident from happening in the first place, you could seek civil restitution for the harm it has caused you to experience if you can prove someone else specifically caused it.

This can be a much more complicated process in practice than it might sound, especially if you try to pursue your claim alone. Fortunately, you have assistance available from our knowledgeable Bakersfield personal injury lawyer, who knows how to help people in situations like yours get paid everything they deserve for your damages. Levin & Nalbandyan Trial Lawyers are ready to protect your best interests while you focus on recovery.

Making a Negligent Person Pay for Injury-Related Losses

While there are some exceptions for certain types of accidents, most successful personal injury claims are built around proving someone was legally negligent. This means proving they owed a specific duty of care to the person filing suit and their violation of this duty was the direct and primary cause of an accident that directly caused an injury necessitating professional medical care.

If all these criteria are met, the injured person can demand compensation from the defendant for both economic and non-economic losses they have experienced and will experience in the future due to their injury, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost work income, benefits, and working ability
  • Personal property damage
  • Out-of-pocket costs for things like wheelchairs and home modifications
  • Lost enjoyment and quality of life
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and trauma

Our Bakersfield personal injury attorneys can work diligently to maximize the restitution an injured person receives based on their unique needs and circumstances. We could help you seek compensation after a car accident, slip and fall, workplace accident, or another incident caused by negligence.

Getting Around Legal Roadblocks to Recovery

Legal counsel can also play a key role in ensuring common procedural obstacles do not keep an injured person from getting the civil recovery they deserve. Our Bakersfield lawyers can help build and file the strongest possible claim over a personal injury within the filing deadline set by the statute of limitations, which is typically two years after the date the injury occurred.

Legal representation can be vital to fighting allegations of comparative fault. A defendant may make accusations that the injured person is actually the one at fault for causing their injuries through their negligence. If a court agrees with such an accusation, pure comparative fault rules allow the court to reduce the total compensation in proportion to the percentage of comparative fault assigned to the injured person.

Talk to a Bakersfield Personal Injury Attorney Today

Adding a civil lawsuit to your plate after being involved in a serious accident can seem overwhelming, particularly if that accident left you with a severe physical injury. Proactively pursuing civil recovery after being hurt in this way can be essential to protecting your best interests now and into the future.

Our Bakersfield personal injury lawyers can walk you through every step of your lawsuit or settlement demand and tenaciously pursue a favorable final outcome on your behalf. Learn more by calling our firm today.

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