Helmet Laws in California for Bicycles and Motorcycle Riders

What You Need to Know Before You Ride

If you plan to ride your bike or motorcycle in California, you need to know the legal requirements before you hit the road. The Golden State does mandate that you wear helmets under certain circumstances. Failing to wear a helmet when it is required can result in a fine. It may also directly impact your compensation if you are injured in an accident.

At Levin & Nalbandyan, we represent individuals who have been seriously injured in bicycle and motorcycle accidents throughout Los Angeles. We will help fight to ensure that you receive the recovery you deserve. If you were injured in an accident, contact our office at (213) 232-4848 to schedule a free consultation. 

What Are the Helmet Laws for Bicyclists in California?

In California, you are required to wear a helmet if you are under the age of 18. While adults are not required by state law to wear a helmet, it is strongly recommended and may be required by local ordinances. It is important to note that helmets are required for minors regardless of whether they are traveling on a street, bikeway, or bike path. Failure to wear a helmet when required can result in a $25 fine. 

What Are the Helmet Laws for Motorcyclists in California?

According to California Vehicle Code §27803, all motorcycle operators and passengers are required to wear a U.S. DOT-compliant motorcycle safety helmet. It is also recommended that you wear protective eye gear and clothing. 

Why Helmets Are Important

Studies show that wearing a helmet can significantly reduce your risk of death or serious injury when riding a bicycle or motorcycle. As reported by the National Safety Council, helmets are 37% effective in preventing fatal injuries. 

What If I Am Injured While Not Wearing a Helmet?

If you are injured while not wearing a helmet, your compensation could be reduced. However,  you will not be completely barred from recovery if another person was at least partially to blame for your injuries. 

In California, injured parties can still obtain compensation from a party that was responsible for their damages. If they are found to have contributed to their own injuries, their recovery may be reduced in proportion to their percentage of the fault. 

It is imperative to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney. An attorney can help you determine whether you have a valid claim for damages. They can also review your case to see who may be held liable for your injuries.  

Injured in a Bike or Motorcycle Accident? Contact Our Office. 

Were you or a loved one injured in a bike or motorcycle accident in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas?  Contact our office at (213) 232-4848 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. 

We have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients, and we will fight for you. Do not wait. Call our office today to speak with an attorney. Let us get you the justice you deserve. We are experienced lawyers that will not give up.




If your claim has been denied or your attorney has decided to give up, reach out to our firm for a second opinion.