Why Accident Reports Are Vital to a Workers’ Comp Claim

After being injured at work, the first and most critical step is filing an accident report with your employer — no matter how minor or severe your injury may be. Even the slightest of injuries should be reported to protect yourself just in case it turns into a more significant problem in the future.

Reporting your work accident is also a key factor if you want to file a future workers’ compensation claim. Here are some things that are important to know.

Fact Confirmation

Your accident report is a major piece of evidence showing that your injury occurred while you were working. It also confirms different facts and details surrounding your accident. The following is information that should be included in your work injury report:

  • How the accident happened – For example — a slip and fall, fall from a ladder, or a work-related motor vehicle accident.
  • Injured parts of the body – Noting which parts of the body were injured is critical information to include in an accident report.
  • Who the accident was reported to – While it’s your responsibility to let your employer know that you have been injured, your employer must also file the report to their workers’ compensation insurance carrier as well.
  • Interviews – An interview may be conducted concerning a work-related injury. In the off chance that details are forgotten, the accident report can be a helpful tool in recollecting all of the events that lead up to the injury.
  • Witnesses – If anyone was present and saw you get injured, it should be noted in the accident report.

Timeliness in Filing

From filling out paperwork to remembering deadlines, filing a workers’ compensation claim on your own can be a stressful and challenging task . In the state of California, you must report a work injury within 30 days after your accident. Failure to do so could either heavily delay the case or cost you workers’ compensation benefits that you may otherwise be entitled to.

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If your claim has been denied or your attorney has decided to give up, reach out to our firm for a second opinion.
