Irvine Employment Lawyer

In theory, you have numerous rights as an employee under both state and federal law, and any company you work for is supposed to abide by the restrictions put in place by those laws or face serious financial—and sometimes even criminal—repercussions. In practice, massive companies with thousands of employees and billions of dollars in revenue often ignore employment law and the rights of the people they employ, which can cause severe financial and personal losses.

If you believe your employer has violated your rights and caused you significant harm as a result, you may need to take legal action against them with our skilled attorney’s assistance. From start to finish of your legal proceedings, your dedicated Irvine employment lawyer could make sure you understand all the options available to you and work diligently to achieve the best possible resolution for your unique circumstances.

Possible Grounds for Filing Suit Against an Employer

Wrongful termination is one of the most common grounds for workers across the United States to build employment lawsuits. More specifically, being fired due to discrimination of any kind, in retaliation for any lawful act or complaints about sexual harassment, or in a way that constitutes an illegal breach of a valid employment contract could serve as the basis for an employment lawsuit.

Our Irvine employment attorney could also help over violations of wage and hour laws, which are deceptively common in companies of all sizes but especially in major corporations with huge employee bases. In fact, there are already class action lawsuits in progress against numerous employers that have illegally withheld wages or misclassified employees as independent contractors in order to illegally deny them certain employment benefits. Anyone harmed by illegal behavior in their workplace has help available from skilled legal counsel.

What Damages May Be Recoverable Through an Employment Lawsuit?

Much like most other forms of civil litigation, the main purpose of an employment lawsuit in Irvine is to reimburse the person filing the claim for specific losses they have experienced as a direct result of unlawful actions taken by the employer being sued. While every case is different and not every employee will need to recover for the same things, damages that often factor into claims of this nature include:

  • Back pay for compensation the employee should have received, as well as interest on that compensation to account for the delay in payment
  • Job reinstatement
  • Front pay to account for lost work income until new employment is found
  • Out-of-pocket expenses accrued by the employee due to workplace mistreatment—for example, medical bills for treatment related to harassment or discrimination
  • Emotional anguish and psychological distress
  • Attorney and court costs

In rare situations involving extremely egregious misconduct by an employer, a court may additionally impose punitive damages against that employer and award them as extra compensation to an impacted employee.

Contact Our Irvine Employment Attorney for Help

The thought of going up against your former or current employer in a courtroom can be intimidating, especially if you have never been involved in any sort of legal proceeding before. If you have had your rights violated in the workplace, you have a right to demand restitution for the harm those violations have caused you, and you have help available from seasoned legal professionals in doing so.

Our Irvine employment lawyer could answer important questions and offer preliminary guidance about your possible recovery options during a private consultation. Schedule yours by calling today.

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