Know & protect your right to take leaves of absence.
Have you attempted to take a protected leave of absence only to have your employer fire you or take another type of adverse action against you? If so, you may be entitled to compensation. Our Los Angeles leave of absence lawyers at Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP can help you determine if there is legal action to be taken against your employer. Our employment attorneys firmly believe that all employees should be treated fairly and we work hard to ensure that situations involving wronged employees are righted.
The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) allows employees to take time up to 12 weeks off from work in a 12-month period for family or health-related reasons. These laws protect employees who have been working for an employer with 50 or more employees and have been working for at least a year. In order to be protected, you must have requested your leave in a timely manner and submitted all of the requested documentation, such as medical documents. During this time, you must not be fired or your job must not be changed unless you have been offered a comparable opportunity.
Federal and California leave of absence laws allow employees to take time off for:
Disability leave
Leave for jury duty
Maternity/paternity leave
New parent leave
Military leave
Medical leave of absence
Pregnancy leave
The first step, if you suspect that your employer has violated the law, is to consult with a Los Angeles leave of absence lawyer who is familiar with the FMLA and related laws that affect your case. We can sit down with you to ensure you understand your rights and your options so that you can make an informed decision. Our goal, at Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP, is to pursue a remedy that meets your needs, including having you reinstated or demanding legal damages. Our attorneys have handled a wide range of cases and are ready to help protect your rights. Call now to learn more.
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