Los Angeles Hostile Work Environment Lawyer

Your workplace should be somewhere you feel safe and comfortable and do your job well. When a work environment becomes hostile because of offensive, abusive, or discriminatory behavior, it can be difficult, even impossible, to perform your job duties. If you are experiencing this, you deserve better.

A Los Angeles hostile work environment lawyer from our team could guide you in pursuing legal recourse and holding your employer responsible for creating or allowing a hostile work environment. Our employment attorneys are ready to support you.

What is a Hostile Work Environment?

A hostile work environment is created when a person’s negative behavior or conduct reaches a level of severity or pervasiveness that an employee is not able to perform their job. The person who is causing the work environment to be hostile does not have to be the employer. It could be a co-worker, supervisor, owner, or another person the individual is in contact with because of the job.

Some examples of behavior that could create or contribute to a hostile work environment include:

  • Repeated offensive jokes or racial slurs
  • Unwelcome sexual advances (verbal or physical)
  • Threatening or intimidation
  • Posting or sharing offensive imagery
  • Retaliation for reporting illegal conduct or participation in a workplace investigation

To constitute a hostile work environment, the behavior must be based on a legally protected characteristic like race, religion, sex or gender, disability, age, or national origin. It must either be caused by a single severe act or repeated, ongoing harassment.

Signs of a Hostile Work Environment

You may be experiencing negative behavior but are uncertain of whether it constitutes a hostile work environment. Here are some questions that can help determine whether the behavior elevates the situation to a hostile work environment:

  • Is the behavior in question based on a protected characteristic?
  • Is the behavior unwelcome by the employee?
  • Is the behavior severe or pervasive?
  • Has the employer failed to take reasonable steps to put a stop to the harassment when they were notified of it?

An attorney in Los Angeles could help you determine whether your work environment is hostile and constitutes legal action.

What to Do if You Are Experiencing a Hostile Work Environment

If the answers to the above questions are yes, you may be experiencing a hostile work environment. Here is what to do.

Keep a detailed record of any incidents, including dates, times, locations, individuals involved, and witnesses. Report the behavior in writing to a person of authority in the organization, following company procedures for notifications.

A victim of a hostile work environment should also obtain a Los Angeles lawyer. Our experienced attorneys could discuss the circumstances, attempt to find a resolution, and pursue legal action if the behavior does not stop and the employer fails to promptly and adequately act.

Seek Legal Recourse With a Hostile Work Environment Attorney in Los Angeles Today

We understand how overwhelming it is to deal with a hostile work environment. It can negatively impact you personally and professionally. Our team is driven, confident, and committed to fighting for your rights.

At Levin & Nalbandyan Trial Lawyers, we have successfully represented employees facing hostile work environments. With our representation, we evaluate your case, help you file formal complaints with the proper government agencies, and pursue the compensation you deserve. Reach out to our Los Angeles hostile work environment lawyers today to take the first step toward holding your employer accountable.

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