Los Angeles Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Claims

All employees deserve to feel safe at work and have an environment free from harassment. Unfortunately, harassment still occurs, even with laws protecting against it. Quid pro quo sexual harassment is a form of workplace misconduct that is blatant and harmful. It has the power to violate an employee’s sense of safety and personal boundaries and have a negative impact on your professional opportunities.

If you have experienced this type of workplace misconduct, our sexual harassment attorneys at Levin & Nalbandyan could help. We are experienced with Los Angeles quid pro quo sexual harassment claims and are dedicated to assisting victims of workplace harassment stand up to their harassers, hold them accountable, and seek compensation.

Understanding Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment happens when someone of authority, like a manager, supervisor, or employer, utilizes their position to demand sexual favors from an employee in exchange for workplace benefits or to avoid a workplace detriment.

In situations where this type of harassment is present, the person in authority makes the employee feel as though they must comply with the sexual demands or advances in order to advance in their career or keep their job.

Elements of quid pro quo harassment:

  • The harasser must hold a position of authority over the victim
  • The demands, advances, or behavior must be unwelcome
  • The harassment includes an exchange (inappropriate conduct for benefit or avoiding consequence)

Our Los Angeles attorneys could help you understand quid pro quo sexual harassment and your legal options after experiencing it.

Examples of Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

If an employee in Los Angeles understands what constitutes quid pro quo sexual harassment, it will be easier to identify if they have been a victim of it and file a claim. Unlike other types of workplace harassment, quid pro quo sexual harassment is often pinpointed to a single incident.

Workplace benefits that may be offered in quid pro quo sexual harassment are hiring or promotion, pay raises, or easier workload. Workplace detriments that employees may be attempting to avoid in such exchanges are termination, demotion, or retaliation.

A few examples include:

  • A supervisor offers a raise to an employee if they agree to go on a date
  • A manager implies to a worker that they might lose their job or get demoted if they reject sexual advances
  • A team lead implies that dressing or acting in a certain way would earn an employee easier work assignments
  • A hiring manager makes a job offer conditional on engaging in sexual activity

The employee does not need to engage in the exchange for the quid pro quo sexual harassment to have occurred. The suggestion of such an exchange is enough to constitute harassment.

Steps to Take if You Experience Quid Pro Quo Harassment

If you believe you have been the victim of this form of workplace harassment, these steps can help you reach a positive outcome:

  • Document the harassing behavior you experience, including dates, times, locations, and any witnesses
  • Notify your employer or HR department in writing of the harassment
  • Reach out to our attorneys to understand what legal options you have

An attorney in Los Angeles could guide you in gathering evidence, filing complaints with the EEOC or CRD, and filing a quid pro quo sexual harassment civil lawsuit. Securing legal counsel as soon as possible is important to comply with the statute of limitations.

Which Laws Offer Protection?

Both federal and state laws prohibit quid pro quo sexual harassment. Our lawyers have a deep understanding of all these protections and can help you build a strong case.



Reach Out to Our Los Angeles Attorneys for Help with a Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Claim

At Levin & Nalbandyan Trial Lawyers, we are passionate about advocating for victims of workplace harassment. We have a proven track record of success in employment law cases, including Los Angeles quid pro quo sexual harassment claims. We fight for the justice you deserve in and out of the courtroom. Victims of quid pro quo sexual harassment may seek compensation for lost wages and benefits, emotional distress, legal fees, and punitive damages in severe cases.

Contact us today to take the first step in holding your harasser accountable and reclaiming your peace.

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