Los Angeles Paralysis Injury Lawyer

One reason paralysis occurs is because someone failed in their duty of care and engaged in negligence. Paralysis is the disabling of the nerves, leaving people unable to move certain areas of the body. You may not be able to work and you could require a lifetime of help with even simple tasks. Whoever caused your predicament should financially compensate you.

Our catastrophic injury attorneys negotiate with insurers on your behalf, but if the insurance company offers you far less than your claim is worth, we could take your case to court to convince the jury about what you should be awarded. One of our Los Angeles paralysis injury lawyers will strive to win an amount of financial compensation that will ease your financial burden.

Kinds of Paralysis

When nerves in the human body cannot signal muscles to move, paralysis may occur below the nerve-damaging injury. Localized paralysis targets specific parts of the body, such as the vocal cords, hands, and feet. Named forms of paralysis affect more extensive areas:

  • Monoplegia means one leg or one arm is paralyzed
  • Hemiplegia affects one side of the body
  • Diplegia affects mirrored sides of the body, including paralysis of both arms or legs
  • Paraplegia is paralysis from the waist down
  • Quadriplegia, or tetraplegia, affects the entire body below the neck

Along with living with the physical consequences of a paralyzing accident, many people encounter emotional distress after realizing they are now disabled for life. Psychological and emotional losses are very real and should be compensated when someone else causes them. Our paralysis injury attorney in Los Angeles reviews each person’s case to identify at-fault parties and hold them accountable for their behavior.

The Role of Alcohol in Paralysis Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are the number one reason for paralysis caused by trauma. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found just over 54 percent of drivers involved in traffic accidents with injuries had drugs or alcohol in their systems, with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being the most common substance and alcohol the second most common.

By breaking California law concerning impaired driving and being ticketed for it, a defendant may be subject to the state’s statute addressing negligence per se, under California Evidence Code § 669. This is a streamlined way for a personal injury attorney to prove negligence. The jury is instructed that if the defendant broke the law and substantially caused the plaintiff’s harm, then negligence is established, which circumvents the traditional elements of negligence that must be proved. A Los Angeles paralysis injury lawyer from our firm could determine if negligence per se applies in a person’s case, which greatly increases the likelihood of receiving damages.

Caps for Compensatory Damages

Those who suffer paralysis injuries at the hands of another person are entitled to be compensated for their economic damages, including medical care for a lifetime as it relates to the injury, lost wages, and other outlays such as retrofitting a home or van. They are also entitled to non-economic damages such as for the emotional trauma of living with paralysis, suffering, and loss of the enjoyment of life.

Non-economic damages are only capped if the original claim is for medical malpractice. If the paralysis was the result of a vehicle crash or some other situation, caps do not apply.

Get the Help You Need With a Los Angeles Paralysis Injury Attorney

A paralysis injury is a devastating, life-changing event. We advocate for our clients and do not let the negligent party get away with failing to compensate you. We fight for your future and you owe us nothing unless we win.

A Los Angeles paralysis injury lawyer from our team will employ all the tactics necessary to show a jury how someone harmed you and the kind of damages award you deserve. Call us today to set up a free consultation and learn what your next steps should be.

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