Bakersfield Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are catastrophic by both the American Medical Association’s and the federal government’s definitions. Doctors consider them catastrophic because they adversely affect the brain, and the government definition is an injury so severe that the person cannot maintain gainful employment. This life-altering trauma is even more unsettling if someone else’s negligent actions caused your injury.
TBI symptoms include memory loss, dizziness, painful headaches, depression, altered moods, and changes in how you think. The first action to take after a blow or fall that results in an impact to your head is to seek emergency medical care. The brain continues to swell after the trauma, and the situation could become life-threatening. You may also require long-term rehabilitative care, lose the wages you earn, and battle emotional issues. Our Bakersfield traumatic brain injury lawyer understands your plight and will strive to win the largest insurance settlement or jury award possible. Reach out to our catastrophic injury attorneys to handle the legal work while you focus on recovery.
Accidents that Cause Traumatic Brain Injury
Our attorneys are highly skilled negotiators who successfully resolve insurance settlement offers and civil lawsuits seeking compensation from the party who caused the TBI. We want the best and most for our clients and will assess the level of harm and amount of compensation required to live in dignity with all needs related to the accident met. TBIs are common because they can happen anywhere. Some examples include:
- A distracted Kern Transit bus driver smashes into a pedestrian
- A motorcyclist rear-ended by an SUV driver hits their head on the paved road
- A construction company manager fails to issue safety gear to high-rise workers, and one falls and hits their head on a protruding beam
- A drunk driver causes a devastating car crash with head injuries to the other driver
Some attorneys give in to huge, corporate insurance company negotiators because it is the easy way. We do not. Our Bakersfield traumatic brain injury attorney does not accept settlements that benefit shareholders, not our clients. We know how much will be required to compensate a client, and we base our reputation on our honed ability to win at trial.
TBIs and Negligence Cases
An injured person and their attorneys must prove the elements of negligence when seeking a monetary award from a jury. Negligence works on the premise that all people have a duty to behave reasonably, and when they do not, they breach the duty. This is simply illustrated by a motorist who breaches the duty to drive safely by drinking beyond the legal limit. If an irresponsible person’s actions cause an accident, and a person is injured because of it, negligence is established.
Our Bakersfield lawyer assesses evidence, including police and medical reports, witness testimony, and surveillance footage, to establish negligence caused a traumatic brain injury. Witnesses may also provide cell phone pictures or videos we can utilize. We leave nothing to chance when advocating for our clients.
Filing Deadline for a Negligence Action
Every state imposes a statute of limitations, which is the deadline a person has to file a civil lawsuit against the party who caused their injuries. An injured person has two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit according to the California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1.
There are exceptions to this deadline. For example, if the defendant is a government agency, such as Kern Transit, a person has only six months to sue, and other requirements concerning notice apply. Our attorney could ensure a filing is correct and timely.
A Bakersfield Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney is Crucial to Your Case
Traumatic brain injuries are catastrophic by definition, and they alter your future. You only have one chance to secure an adequate insurance settlement or damages award. Make the most of it, and hire the attorneys who believe fair and just compensation is your right.
You are not a number to our firm. A Bakersfield traumatic brain injury lawyer will commiserate with you and assess your long-term needs before negotiating a settlement or filing a lawsuit. Call today so we can get to work as your advocate