Bakersfield Slip and Fall Lawyer

A slip and fall accident may not sound like a serious event. Everybody falls at some point in their lives. Most of the time, these events do not lead to severe injuries, which can cause people to dismiss them. However, falls are one of the leading causes of severe injuries. Falls often cause broken bones, sprains, strains, knee injuries, spinal injuries, and even traumatic brain injuries. They can change a life in an instant.

Property owners have a duty to keep their property safe for most visitors. Under the doctrine of premises liability, property owners are liable for injuries to visitors that are the result of unresolved hazards on the property. They owe a duty to guests, invitees, and licensees. Even if you are a trespasser, a property owner may have a duty to protect you. Our Bakersfield slip and fall lawyer can evaluate your injuries and help explore whether you have a personal injury claim.

How to Respond After a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents can be challenging. If they occur in a public setting, many people try to minimize their injuries because they do not want to make a scene. If they occur at the home of a friend or family member, a victim may not want anyone to fuss or worry, so it can be tempting to pretend like nothing hurts. Ignoring it is rarely successful. If something hurts in the immediate aftermath of an accident or event, then it is probably going to hurt more later.

Instead of worrying about preserving people’s feelings or not making a scene, a slip and fall victim needs to get appropriate medical care. Getting medical care as soon as possible after an accident helps prove the injuries were the result of the event. Even more importantly, getting medical care as soon as possible can keep the injury from getting worse. Many injuries will get worse if not treated properly, which can change the course of treatment, length of recovery, and even whether someone is permanently disabled.

While prompt medical care should be a priority, it is also essential to gather evidence that can help establish negligence. Pictures of the scene, witness names and contact information, and a description of the event can help document what happened. If the victim cannot get photos, it is helpful if someone else gets photos as soon as possible.

An injured person should also work to preserve other evidence—especially evidence that can help challenge any potential defenses. One of the most common defenses in a slip and fall accident is to blame the victim’s clothing—particularly footwear. Documenting the shoes that they were wearing at the time of the accident is essential. Our Bakersfield attorneys could provide additional advice about how to preserve evidence after a tripping accident.

What Damages Are Available After a Slip and Fall Accident?

Not every slip and fall accident results in a damage-worthy injury. A skinned knee, some bruises, or scrapes probably will not require someone to get medical care or miss time from work. However, even some seemingly minor injuries can interrupt a person’s life. Sprains and strains are common in falls since people use their arms and hands to try to break the fall. They can lead to time away from work and medical bills.

Some of the damages available after tripping accidents include pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of earning capacity, lost wages, loss of consortium, and more. The nature of the damages depends on the nature and extent of the injuries, the length of recovery, and more. The best way to determine the type and amount of damages available is for an injured person to talk to our slip and fall lawyers in Bakersfield.

Schedule a Consultation with a Bakersfield Slip and Fall Attorney

In a slip-and-fall accident, liability is often much more straightforward than in an auto accident. As a result, the property owner’s insurance company may actually reach out with a settlement offer reasonably quickly. It can be tempting to accept the offer and move on from there. However, that is not always the best option. You may not understand the full extent of your injuries. Plus, these initial settlement offers often do not cover your injuries.

Talking to our Bakersfield slip and fall lawyers could help you understand your rights. We can let you know whether you have a claim, the damages available in that claim, and what settlement ranges would be fair. Armed with that information, you can make an informed decision about your case. Schedule a consultation to learn more.

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