Irvine Crush Injury Lawyer

Working around heavy machinery can be dangerous even if everyone on a job site acts responsibly and follows proper safety procedures. Unfortunately, even a minor mistake or moment of carelessness can lead to a limb getting caught between two unyielding objects, causing severe and often life-threatening trauma.

Crush injuries can serve as the basis for workers’ comp claims, just like any other type of job-related injury. However, crushing accidents tend to make for incredibly complex cases, especially without help from one of our seasoned workers’ compensation attorneys. If you want to maximize your benefits after suffering this sort of harm, get in touch with our Irvine crush injury lawyers today.

Causes and Effects of Workplace Crushing Accidents

Any machine with large moving parts has the potential to crush part of a person’s body, but that is far from the only way that crush accidents can happen on worksites. Collapsing shelving, falls off high surfaces, and even motor vehicle accidents could lead to a crushing injury.

These incidents can lead to severe bone fractures and soft tissue injuries, as well as complications like infections. Bywater’s Syndrome and compartment syndrome can be dangerous to the point that amputation is the only medical solution. Even if a crush injury only has minor consequences and will heal completely with time and proper medical treatment, our dedicated attorneys in Irvine could help pursue compensation for short-term medical bills and loss of wages.

Seeking Permanent Disability Benefits for a Crush Injury

Because crush injuries often have permanent and debilitating repercussions, permanent partial disability (PPD) or permanent total disability (PTD) benefits are a significant part of workers’ comp claims. However, while a formula is used to calculate the value of PPD or PTD benefits that a disabled worker should receive, there is often a great deal of subjectivity in how medical experts and workers’ comp insurers interpret the severity of permanent injuries.

This means that assistance from our reliable crush injury lawyers in Irvine could be necessary for both complying with the rules for filing a workers’ comp and ensuring the insurance company pays for the full and fair value of the long-term losses from an injury.

Workers Comp For Wrongful Death Cases

If necessary, legal counsel could alternatively help surviving family members of a worker who lost their life to a crushing accident seek workers’ comp benefits. This form of compensation could help cover costs such as funeral expenses and lost future financial support. Meet with our compassionate team today to learn more about the options families have following a loved one’s work-related death.

Reach Out to Our Irvine Crush Injury Attorneys For Legal Assistance Today

Crushing injuries are one of the most serious injuries that employees in any industry can experience on the job. Unfortunately, they are also among the most challenging injuries to seek workers’ comp benefits for. This is especially true when an employee’s accident has rendered them unable to ever return to their old job or perform work in the future.

No matter what circumstances led to your accident or what specific benefits you need to pursue, our Irvine crush injury lawyers could help you achieve the best possible resolution for your workers’ compensation claim. Call today to schedule an initial consultation with our legal team at Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP to discuss your case.

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