Irvine Workplace Neck and Back Injury Lawyer

Despite the safety measures that may be in place, accidents in the workplace happen frequently. These accidents can make it difficult for you to work, earn money, and pay your bills.

Knowing you are not alone is essential if you were on the job and sustained a workplace injury. You need to contact an Irvine workplace neck and back injury lawyer to discover your rights to compensation for your injuries. Our workers’ compensation attorneys could guide you through a claim.

Risk Factors for On-the-Job Back and Neck Injuries

Your neck and back provide structure and support. They give you the flexibility to move about. Unfortunately, the spinal column is home to various nerves and muscles. Back or neck pain typically involves trauma to one of the muscles or nerves along the spine.

What triggers your back or neck pain can depend on various circumstances. The most common risk factors that may induce pain are:

  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive movements
  • Recent falls
  • Safety violations or not following safety procedures
  • Age
  • Sitting for extended periods at a desk

Not teaching employees how to lift heavy items properly can cause unnecessary back and neck injuries. The muscles in the back are weaker than they are in your legs. Our lawyers in Irvine could determine whether any risk factors of a neck or back injury at work could affect a claim.

Common Workplace Back and Neck Injuries

Every workplace environment is unique. Therefore, there is no way to list all neck or back injuries you may experience in the workplace. However, we commonly see the following injuries:

Neck or Back Strains and Sprains

A sprain or strain injury involves stretched muscles, tendons, or ligaments. It usually occurs when someone lifts, twists, or makes repetitive motions, which can weaken muscles over time.

Herniation of Disks

In your spine, there are vertebrae, and between each vertebra, there are cushions to protect them. When your spine is damaged, there is the potential for those cushions to bulge and put pressure on the nerves around your spine.

Pinched Nerves

When nerves are compressed, it results in a pinched nerve. Depending on its location and the affected nerve, this type of injury can cause tingling, weakness, pain, or even numbness.

Spinal Fractures

Fractures of the spine or vertebrae are most common after a fall. This can cause improper posture, severe pain, swelling, and other symptoms. If the damage is severe, it can even cause partial or total paralysis or be a life-threatening condition.

Severe Neck Injuries

Whiplash and cervical dislocations are also common injuries to the neck. They occur when the head or neck moves suddenly and incorrectly.

There is no way to list all possible back and neck work injuries. If you recently had a work accident with back or neck pain, see your doctor. Not only will it help you begin to heal, but it will assist your Irvine attorney in proving your neck and back injury case.

How To Prove on the Job Neck and Back Injuries

Proving a workplace injury is not always easy, which makes documentation critical. The first and most crucial step is to file an accident report with your employer.

Upon reporting your injury, your employer may provide you with a Workers’ Compensation Claim Form (DWC 1). You should fill out this form and return it to your employer as soon as possible after sustaining an injury. Your employer must complete the form and return a copy within one working day.

If you are unable to work, you should contact a doctor for an examination and recommendation. Their recommendations further prove your case if you miss work or require light-duty tasks.

Visiting your doctor can help your workers’ compensation office determine a fair amount to compensate you for:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Diminished earnings for lost wages (permanent or temporary disability)

According to the Department of Industrial Relations, if you fail to report your injury to your employer within 30 days, you may lose your right to claim workers’ compensation. Our Irvine lawyers could help you understand and follow all regulations after a neck or back workplace injury.

When to Seek Legal Assistance for an Irvine Workplace Neck and Back Injury Attorney

Simple workers’ compensation cases may not require help. However, complicated situations require you to know what your rights are. Our Irvine workplace neck and back injury lawyers could help you get the money you deserve in the shortest time possible.

Our team offers free consultations so you can discuss your situation with us. Contact us to take advantage of our years of experience.

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