Bakersfield Product Liability Lawyer

Getting hurt by a product you had every reason to think was safe to use as directed can be immensely disruptive to your life, not to mention expensive both in the unexpected costs it imposes on you and in the loss of working income it may lead to you experiencing. Fortunately, you can demand civil compensation for these damages and more from the manufacturer of the product that caused your injury.

Accomplishing this effectively and efficiently can be far more difficult in practice than many people expect, which is why having support from a seasoned personal injury attorney can be so important while pursuing this sort of claim. From beginning to end of the legal process, our Bakersfield product liability lawyer can help you navigate the rules and restrictions set by state law in pursuit of fair financial restitution for the harm you should never have sustained.

Understanding Strict Liability for Product Defects

Under state product liability law, manufacturers that make and sell products to consumers are strictly liable for injuries caused by dangerous defects in their design, manufacturing, or marketing. Respectively, these defects are problems in how the product was fundamentally conceived, mistakes made during the product’s production or assembly, and failures by the manufacturer to provide sufficient warnings and instructions for using the product safely.

To achieve a favorable result from a claim built around this principle of strict liability, an injured person must also be able to prove that all the following conditions apply to their case:

  • The defect in question existed when the product left its manufacturer’s direct control
  • The product’s condition was not meaningfully altered between when it left its maker’s control and when the injured plaintiff took possession of it
  • The plaintiff was using the product reasonably and for its intended purpose when they were hurt
  • The plaintiff’s injuries stemmed directly and primarily from the defect in question

Our Bakersfield product liability attorney can provide vital assistance with collecting, preserving, and making effective use of available evidence with all this in mind.

Getting Paid Fairly for Short-Term and Long-Term Losses

Legal representation can be key to getting the most money possible for every negative impact a defective product injury will cause. On the economic side of things, this can mean accounting for both emergency medical expenses and expected costs of future rehabilitative care, as well as lost work wages or salary, lost future working capacity, and the costs of replacing the defective product as well as any other personal property damaged by it.

As for non-economic damages, various forms of physical and psychological suffering caused by this sort of incident can be factored into an ensuing lawsuit or settlement demand, as can other intangible damages like lost quality of life due to permanent disfigurement or disability. No matter what, it is important to seek help from our product liability lawyer in Bakersfield sooner rather than later because of the two-year filing deadline placed on personal injury claims by California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1.

Contact a Bakersfield Product Liability Attorney for Help

If you buy anything from an American retailer, you have a right to expect that the product you receive will not have any dangerous defects that could cause you serious injury even if you use the product properly. Unfortunately, the hundreds of recall notices issued every year show how little some manufacturing companies care about ensuring everything they sell is free of defects.

If you have been hurt by an unreasonably dangerous consumer product, you have help from our Bakersfield product liability lawyer with demanding the compensation you deserve. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

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