Bakersfield Crane Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a crane accident, understanding your rights is imperative to secure your future moving forward. Crane accidents are common workplace accidents that can leave workers facing catastrophic physical harm.

A Bakersfield crane injury lawyer could manage every aspect of your workers’ compensation claim, from filing paperwork to negotiating with the insurance companies. A workers’ comp attorney can advocate on your behalf to secure the maximum benefits for your injuries.

Crane Accident Injuries

Most crane accidents involve construction workers like operators and contractors but can also include bystanders injured in the incident. These accidents can involve objects falling from the machine that strike one or more workers or an incident where a worker is hit by the machine itself.

If the crane’s boom fails due to an excessive load, overextension, or mechanical failure, or the crane falls over due to factors such as improper load placement or unstable ground, any worker in the vicinity could suffer severe injuries. Crane incidents can also occur when a load falls during lifting or the crane comes into electrical contact with power lines and causes an electric shock.

If you are injured in a crane accident while at work, a Bakersfield attorney can help you file a workers’ compensation claim to receive the benefits you need for your medical bills and lost wages. Workers’ compensation can pay for a wide range of injuries sustained during a crane accident at work, including spinal cord damage, crushing injuries, head trauma, and broken bones.

Workers’ compensation coverage is available to an employee regardless of who is at fault. After you are injured, you should immediately report the accident to your employer to get the workers’ compensation process started. You should also receive prompt medical attention for your injuries.

Legal Options for Injured Construction Workers

Any crane-related injury that occurs in connection with your work should be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation benefits. State workers’ compensation law requires that employers and insurers pay for medical treatment that is reasonably necessary to treat or cure a work-related injury or illness. Employers are legally required to authorize your treatment within one working day of receiving your completed workers’ compensation claim form.

The law also requires that employers must immediately authorize and pay up to $10,000 in medical expenses until a claim is denied. If it is accepted, the employer will continue paying for treatment. A Bakersfield lawyer could help you complete all the necessary paperwork for your crane accident claim and advocate for your rights if you are unjustly denied coverage.

Workers’ compensation can pay for a wide range of medical bills associated with your crane accident injuries, including hospital bills, doctor bills, medical equipment and devices, and prescription and over-the-counter medications. These benefits can also pay for other costs besides your medical bills, such as a portion of your lost wages. You could be entitled to temporary or even permanent disability payments if your injury is severe enough.

The amount of workers’ compensation benefits you could be entitled to receive will be determined based on numerous factors. These could include the severity of your injury, whether you will be temporarily or permanently disabled, your prior weekly wage before the accident, and the type of work you performed. If you have any questions or concerns about filing a workers’ comp claim, do not hesitate to speak with an attorney who can provide clarity on these issues and fully explain your legal options.

Get Legal Assistance from a Bakersfield Crane Injury Attorney

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. This means you can receive compensation for a crane injury sustained at work even if the injury was not directly caused by your employer. You should get immediate medical treatment and inform your employer about the accident to initiate the workers’ compensation claim process. If you have questions about your rights, it is best to seek legal advice from a Bakersfield crane injury lawyer.

An attorney could help you understand how to file a claim and ensure you do not miss any important deadlines for your case. Reach out to our firm today for your free consultation.

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