Bakersfield Falling Objects Injury Lawyer
Being struck by a falling object is one of the top causes of workplace injuries. Depending on the type of job you have, you could be at a heightened risk of sustaining injuries from falling debris. Whether you work in construction or another field and were hurt by falling debris on the job, you are legally owed workers’ compensation benefits.
A Bakersfield falling objects injury lawyer could help you document the severity of your injuries and seek the full scope of benefits you are entitled to. When you are injured by a falling object at work, you are eligible to receive medical care at no cost and wage loss benefits until you can go back to work.
How Workers Get Hurt by Falling Objects
If you have sustained injuries due to falling objects while on the job, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits and should speak with an attorney in Bakersfield. Falling object accidents can happen in a variety of industries but are particularly common hazards for individuals who work in construction-related roles. Workers in fields such as manufacturing and transportation may also be at risk for falling object injuries.
For example, construction workers can get hurt by falling objects when tools, debris, or other materials fall and strike them from elevated surfaces. Materials such as unsecured beams, machinery that is defective or malfunctions, or crane loads that are too heavy can also contribute to a falling object accident while on the job. Individuals who are working at great heights, with conveyor belts, or other bulky materials on elevated platforms could also be susceptible to injuries from dropped objects.
Falling object injuries frequently involve severe trauma to the head, brain, neck, and spine. Workers involved in these accidents may also suffer internal injuries such as crushing injuries, nerve damage, and internal bleeding. If you are injured on the job in California, you should immediately report the injury to your employer by notifying your supervisor as soon as possible and seek necessary medical attention.
Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits After a Falling Objects Injury
There are numerous deadlines to be aware of when seeking workers’ compensation benefits if you have suffered a falling object injury at work. While you technically have up to one year to formally file a workers’ compensation claim, you have just 30 days to notify your employer of the incident. Failure to do so could threaten your ability to receive the benefits you need to cover your medical bills and other costs.
A Bakersfield lawyer could handle the complexities of filing a workers’ compensation claim for your falling objects injury. A lawyer could also send in all required paperwork within a reasonable time frame following the accident. Workers’ compensation can include several types of benefits, such as:
- Medical benefits
- Temporary partial disability
- Temporary total disability
- Permanent partial disability
- Permanent total disability
- Supplemental job displacement benefits
- Death benefits
Temporary disability benefits are designed for workers recovering from an injury who are unable to work at full capacity or at all for a short-term time frame. Benefits usually end once the worker reaches maximum medical improvement, which indicates that their condition is stable, but further medical treatment will not achieve any additional physical improvements. These benefits are limited to two years in total and must be paid out no later than five years from the date of the original injury.
Permanent disability benefits are intended for workers who have perpetual limitations from their work injury that will prevent them from going back to their prior job. Permanent total disability can be paid when the worker is unable to work in any capacity, while permanent partial disability may be paid to workers who still have some limited ability to work.
Contact a Bakersfield Falling Objects Injury Attorney
You do not have to navigate the workers’ compensation process on your own. A Bakersfield falling objects injury lawyer could explain how the workers’ compensation system works, handle the back-and-forth with the insurance company, and represent you at any hearings.
A lawyer could help you file your application for workers’ compensation and advocate tirelessly on your behalf throughout the process. Get started by contacting our firm today for your free and confidential legal consultation.