Bakersfield Crush Injury Lawyer

In some industries, the workplace is rife with risks for personal injuries. Of all personal injuries, the most devastating is the crush injury. Crush injuries often lead to lifelong health complications and time away from work. Both mean financial instability for a family. If you or a loved one has suffered a crush injury in a workplace accident, immediately contact a workers’ compensation attorney for representation.

Your Bakersfield crush injury lawyer could sort out the various government regulations and statutes regarding workers’ compensation that apply to your claim while you focus on improving your health. Your attorney will investigate the facts, interview witnesses, preserve evidence, and speak on your behalf to the employer or their representatives. The most important task for you now is to concentrate on getting better.

What Constitutes a Crush Injury?

A crush injury happens when two hard surfaces press the body. One resulting injury is known as compartment syndrome. This happens when the blood and other fluids pool in a certain area. Severe complications may result, such as damage to bones, soft tissues, nerves, and the spinal cord. Amputation of limbs may also occur, as may traumatic brain injuries.

Crush injuries frequently cause substantial complications to the worker’s life. A crush injury attorney in Bakersfield could help the injured person seek financial compensation for those devastating injuries and restore balance to the family’s finances.

What Kind of Compensation Does Workers’ Compensation Provide for Crush Injuries?

Lawmakers designed the workers’ compensation laws to mitigate the losses experienced by workplace injury victims. After a crush injury in Bakersfield, an employee’s lawyer may seek compensation for medical expenses, disability benefits, supplemental job benefits, and death benefits in the worst-case scenario. In California, injured workers must file their claim for workers’ compensation benefits within one year of the injury.

Important Actions Workers Should Do After a Crush Injury

The injured worker must notify the employer within 30 days of their injury. The second most essential item on the list is to seek medical assistance right away.

When visiting the medical provider, make sure to tell them that the accident was work-related. This statement serves two purposes. It will notify the medical provider that by law it is the employer who is obligated to pay the medical bills. It also notifies the medical provider not to bill the injured worker. If the injured worker gets a bill for their injuries or the employer refuses to pay the medical expenses, they should seek legal counsel right away to pursue legal options. For example, an attorney in Bakersfield could help appeal a denied crush injury workers’ compensation claim.

Hire a Bakersfield Crush Injury Attorney Today

If you suffered a crush injury at work, contact Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP, today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Bakersfield crush injury lawyer. Your attorney will review the details of your accident and provide their best guidance on the path forward for your claim.

Our attorneys are ready to help you seek the financial compensation for your injuries that you deserve.

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